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This is a 1:1 apprenticeship that takes you to wherever the Truest place is.


Welcome to RAW
An Apprenticeship of your own Essence

If you have..

been following my work and you resonate deeply with my transmissions, you have come to the right place!


You know deep in your core that you hold the Codex for self actualization.

To truly know yourself takes a uniquely designed courage that only the awakened Warriors possess. 


Here You Are!

committing to undergo experiences that will forever shape you. 


with your unwavering courage.


curious and ready to discover your limitless capacity for self-development. 


bringing with you the grit required to maintain consistent and active expansion.  


Truth seeking led to my unraveling, "un-certifying" & burning away all the lies I told myself in a system programmed to distort my consciousness.  


I Am a Woman who

has spent the last 15 years on a journey of soul reclamation, remembering all of my wounded parts, illuminating and integrating my shadows, and building spaciousness in my body and capacity in my nervous system so that I can, no longer afraid, become the very person I came here to be. These are the elements beyond any of my certifications that in fact qualify me and make me good at what I do. 

All that I've learned over lifetimes is what you will receive RAW 

I have had to learn how to use my mind and my energy rather than be dominated by it, and have done this through deep integrated mentorship. 


I am an Ancient, devoted to reawakening the ways of warrior-goddess wisdom which protects what is sacred in me, what is sacred in you and what is sacred on this planet.  


I am here to be the sacred witness & guide that nurtures & holds you through deep alchemy so you can live the life that you are destined for. In RAW mentorship, I offer you my purest presence.

It is in the stillness of presence, in the dark void of ALL truth that all creation begins, and here I am to offer you this.


  • You recognize the integrity and potency of my purpose and are called, truly, to work at your deepest levels.

  • You recognize truth and are ready to invest your energy into the work we do together. 

  • You are embodied in self -responsibility & are able to hold yourself accountable as you walk your path, and I support and guide you.

  • You are ready to make big moves through stagnation, and take action in order to create the transformation you seek.

  • You are ready for advanced stages of root & sacral opening into the intricate terrains of consciousness

  • Are comfortable with energy work & the support of alchemical tools for refinement

  • You are ready to upgrade & repair your DNA 

  • You are ready to REFINE & go deep into your nervous system to release the contractions that impede on your consciousness flowing.


The path to eternal is one of grit and grace, compassion and courage, wisdom and truth.


The RAW 1:1 apprenticeship
is tailored to your unique intentions & needs

RAW is for you if...

What you will receive



  • 5 months/ 20 weeks

  • 8 Online recorded mentorship calls

  • Access to Voice messaging 4 days/week


  • Recorded Guided Meditations

  • Rituals, Practices, Resources

  • A special gift package mailed to you

  • 2 day in person work with me on the land (your flight not included)

  • Tailored to your unique needs to anchor in your embodied higher self!


Investment 13,999$
(Payment Plan Option)

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