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It is my absolute honour & pleasure to invite you to Anointed. 


I have been cultivating a ripening of wisdom, experience & Gnosis to be able to bring these teachings through in a way that holds deep integrity. 


The Magdalene has spoken & it is NOW time to share this offering with the world. 

An offering that has been marinating in my soul for years

Join Me


​I want to admit, 


Although my connection to her is ancient, deeply ancestral & very alive


I waited ..I watched..& I listened for the Yes because if I was to create an offering in her name 


I desired it to be an offering that would NOT dilute, distort, extract or stain her sacred essence, her mission & her legacy. 


I desire to express her legends & stories in the way I have personally lived & experienced them. 


This is how she has taught me, & now this is how I will teach you. 


A holy stream of consciousness that remains potently accessible to the feminine on her behalf is absolutely relevant & needed at this time in our His/Her-story on this planet. 


This offering is a vital support to women & men who are in a process of healing, moving through a deeper awakening, expanding & seeking authentic connection to themselves & others & who are here to play the high level truth game. 


(Yes -Reverent Men- you are welcome here)


Are you ready? 


Yes, I believe you are!

This is a 3 Part Series

In honour of Mary Magdalene's feast day, we will begin on

Sunday July 21, 2024 from 1200-2pm Est


Session 2 Sunday August 4, 2024 @1200-2pm EST

Session 3 Sunday August 18, 2024 @ 1200-2pm EST

(All sessions are live but will be recorded) 


**Please note this offering is not about any form of Religious or dogma based teachings

FAR from that. 

All who are pulled to this work are welcome to join. 


Sliding scale 88$- 188$ usd

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