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About InTemana

Inspiring Humanity to Courageously Redefine their Truth. 

To find no conflict without, we must first dissolve the conflict within. 


Can you offer yourself permission to experience such peace? Can you extend yourself an olive branch so that you can unite with love and end your inner war?


InTemana was created from my deepest desires to have the kind of support in holistic healing that I could NOT find through systems and broken organizations. It was created to offer different approaches to deep rooted healing which I so desperately needed when I was ready to fully go all in and invest into my wellbeing.


Inspired by the Ancient Greek Temenos as well as the descent into the self, InTemana is a sanctuary and brave space that resurrects warriors out of their shadow and into the freedom of choice.


Here you will find help to heal, resolve inner conflict and put down all of your heavy, heavy, armour. 


InTemana is a place where you can release the oppressive mental constructs weighing you down, liberate yourself from unhealthy patterns and behaviours, nurture and repair your nervous system, and come out of survival and separation consciousness. 


So you can finally thrive.

This Temple is Built on 3 Pillars
Truth. Integrity. Wisdom.


InTemana offers an array of healing modalities for those seeking to refine their self development.


Inspired by and in honor of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing, ancient healing practices often centered around elaborate rituals, heartfelt prayers, and the skilled use of medicinal plants and herbs.


In the Asclepian mysteries, healing rituals were conducted within temples dedicated to Asclepius, where patients sought divine healing and guidance through practices taught by skilled healers.


InTemana prides itself in ensuring that your well-being and your safety are our highest priority during and after any session or ceremony.


We create spaces that truly nurture and safeguard your Mind, Body and Spirit. Below is a small peek into what we offer. 

Holistic Intimacy & Sexual Sovereignty Coaching 

Our sensuality is how we express our eros into this world and is the vital part of Self. Eros is the current of vitality that resides within. It's intimately tied to our sense of power and directly connected to our capacity to live a full life of health, wholeness and pleasure.


Thousands of years of systemic conditioning have built generational belief systems that taught you that your sexuality is wrong and shameful and that it must look and feel a certain way. Too often our sexuality hides in the shadows compressed under layers of corrupted programming, fallacy and fake unattainable societal expectations. These compressed layers create weight on our vitality which impedes on our life force. 


The time is now to claim your power, repair your nervous system and take back pleasure that will unlock the life your soul desires. The world has been waiting for you to be in your your sacred sexual sovereignty.


Sacred sexuality invites you to step onto a path of authenticity, empowerment and pleasure-filled living that when fully embodied sends ripples through reality. 




Ancient Shamanic Technology

Let your Soul be the driver and your Human-be-in the vehicle.. 


The Shaman is the part of ourselves that has access to the other worlds that lay outside the realms of this physical reality. Every single one of us has divine access to these outer worlds. In todays world contemporary Shamanism is no longer just about going to an Indigenous Shaman and asking for his or her advise, its about accessing your Shaman within, your walker between the worlds that can access your deepest being and your soul. 


It is my truest belief that you are you own healer and my greatest honour is to guide you to meet your Shaman within so you may un earth the deepest parts of yourself from this life or another, and help to heal present day imbalances. 


As a member of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network, Selvia is legally ordained by Venus Rising Association.

Selvia offers access to a variety of Ancient Shamanic technologies and practices that are steeped in Egyptian, Celtic & Mediterranean traditions. 



Shamanic Breathwork Process

The word Breath comes from the Latin word Spirit. Our breath is always with us and is vital to life, as is our spirit.


Shamanic Breathwork weaves together modern-day consciousness with ancient wisdom. It is a powerful combination of an intentional connected breathing technique, somatic experiencing and energy work. A potent chakra attuned music journey infuses the experience and guides you into expanded states of altered consciousness and deep transformation.


Shamanic Breathwork provides individuals with a safe container where they can be witnessed in the most sacred way allowing a full range of their feelings to be expressed. 


In this process the breath becomes the catalyst that moves you beyond the ego constructs of the mind and into the deeper parts of the body where the intelligence to release age old trauma exists. It is in this place where you can unlock awareness to unhealthy patterns that keep you in limiting beliefs and conditioned behaviours stemming from separation consciousness.  Shamanic breathwork offers you the opportunity to birth your own wisdom and bring you into union with your inner healer.


Selvia is a certified Shamanic breathwork facilitator through Venus Rising. Her mentor Linda Star Wolf created The Shamanic Breathwork Process in 1996. For more than 30 years Star Wolf has continued to study the lineages of: 


Integrative Breathwork, created by Jacquelyn Small

Holotropic Breathwork, created by Stanislav Grof 

Rebirthing Breathwork, created by Leonard Orr

Along with many other forms of altered states breathing/healing techniques. 


Star Wolf also received a variety of teachings and transmissions of Wolf Clan Wisdom Teachings directly from Yeh-Weh-Node, Twylah Nitsch, her adopted Wolf Clan Grandmother. 


The Shamanic Breathwork Process draws upon each of these lineages, as well as other Ancient Shamanic Mystery School teachings. It is with these lineages that Selvia carries with honour and pride through her service in every breath she takes and opportunity she offers. 


Cacao Ceremony

Known to The Mayans as “The Food of The Gods” cacao was used for sacred ceremonies and funeral offerings amongst other celebrations and rituals. 

Cacao is a powerful tool which can be used to go deeper into your inner work, whether it's journaling, visualization, or shamanic journeying. 

Cacao can also assist in energetic healing, and in receiving clarity in the areas of love, purpose, intuitive abilities, career and personal growth. 

Although cacao is not psychedelic itself, when the two are combined, it can strengthen their effects. 


Cacao ceremonies are a centuries-old ritual seen as the ultimate heart-opener. Cacao is packed full of vitamins and minerals, its sincerely a superfood that increases blood flow to the brain which helps to strengthen awareness and focus. 

It also increases blood flow to the heart which can lead to feelings of openness, bliss, love, and connection. 


At InTemana we only use the very best cacao from the highest quality cacao beans, sourced from an organic family farm in Alta-Verapaz, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Cecilia the founder of this sacred production was given the name Ruk'u'x Ulew [Roo-Koosh-Ouh-Leh-Ou] by the fire spirits as the name for her cacao business. It is a word from her native language, Kaqchikel, and translates as ‘Heart of The Earth’. She feels this not only honours her Mayan culture and ancestry but also relays her belief that cacao is a divine representation of the ‘Heart of The Earth.’ 


Ruk'u'x Ulew is a womenʼs business cooperative as it helps to support and provide work to Mayan women, ranging from young mothers to grandmothers.


To purchase cacao, head to our shop page.

Rapé (Hapé) Ceremony

Rapé (pronounced ra-pay or ha-pay) is an Amazonian snuff that has been used by Indigenous tribes for thousands of years as a powerful and beautiful healing medicine. It contains Mapacho (Jungle Tobacco), Bark ash from various different trees with the most common one being the Tsunu tree and any combination of medicinal plants/herbs to create the desired effect. Rapé is applied into the nose through a blow pipe known as a tepi. 


Unlike the common tobacco found in cigarettes, the tobacco used to make Rapé is organic and does not contain harmful additives. Found throughout the Amazon it is used in traditional Amazonian medicine and shamanism as a medicinal herb, and as a tool for shamanic journeying. It is not a psychedelic. 


The benefits of using Rapé are:


  • Clears the third eye and crown chakra 

  • Helps to offer clarity and focus the mind

  • Helps to balance both sides of the brain and ground your energy

  • Clears the energetic field - a great practice for coming back to centre

  • Helps to calm emotions and reduce anxiety

  • Clears sinuses and nasal passages of mucus and bacteria - combating colds and other ailments

  • Clears the body of dense energies, creating space for intention and expansion

  • Provides a calming and grounding effect that lasts well after the initial sensations have subsided

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Sound Bath & Sound Therapy

Sound Healing is a profound therapy that utilizes various healing sounds, music, and sound-based instruments to enhance our overall well-being.


This practice creates a harmonious experience that gently and lovingly awakens all aspects of our energetic field—body, mind, soul, and spirit.


Sound Healing effectively triggers the relaxation response, alleviating symptoms of chronic stress and promoting balance across our entire being. Easy-to-play sound healing instruments can be used both on and off the body, and vocal sounds and tones are also incorporated.


Sound Therapy employs instruments like Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, and tuning forks in both individual sessions and group sound baths.


Throughout history, ancient sages and enlightened communities have recognized the sacred power of sound for healing and spiritual growth. They believed that sound played a role in the creation of the universe and integrated it into their rituals, ceremonies, meditations, and healing practices from the earliest of times.


Today, the resurgence of sound as an Ancient Future holistic technology underscores its continued significance as a transformative tool for modern healing and beyond.

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