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Some walk in darkness &
some walk in light.
But those that carry the flame
walk in both worlds at once

The Temple of the Blue Flame

Hi! I am Selvia

Welcome to the evolution that awaits you! 


Next, allow me to guide you there.


Over the years I have led hundreds of brave beautiful people like you back home to themselves by supporting their self development, expansion and empowerment. 


As a pathfinder I act as an agent for remembering the forgotten ways of authentic Warrior consciousness. I stand as a steward and a protector of all that is Sacred. 


Rising against internalized states of oppression, systemic deception, and the hostile forces of experienced trauma, my voice is hard-won and steady. 


It has become my mission to reclaim sovereignty over all the parts of myself that were once disconnected from elemental and authentic truths. My offering is inspired by many journeys through the underworlds, dynamic embodiment of ancient and cyclical forces, and sure-footed navigation of the awakened, heart-warrior path.  


My purpose is not what I do. My purpose is who I am as a living embodiment of Truth. My call is to initiate the courageous and guide the ready into deep transformation. I am here to activate the sacred warriors on this planet to serve humanity’s conscious evolution.


Your next breakthrough is already in your space, my role is to help you see it.

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And here is how.

I design custom transformational experiences that draw upon diverse holistic modalities. My work is intimate, individualized, intuitive, practical and actionable. It springs from a rich and ancient source of spiritual knowledge and formal training all alchemized to meet the present demands of our modern, stress-filled, and disconnected lives.  

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The order of the blue rose

Initiatory Path of the Priestess

"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."

- Carl Jung

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"I was a late arrival to entheogenic medicina. Over the past four years, I have sat with psilocybin, Ayahuasca, and Kambo. All of them in big beautiful community ceremony. Each encounter useful, expanding, safe. Each container ancient, mindful, anchored by a guide and rituals and musicians to carry me Away and Home again. Or Home and Back again.


But I have never been cradled at the teetering edge of utter dissolution and held only to the tether of a reassuring female Voice. I have never before reached out for a staying hand to hold my Heart while I wail ancient grief. And then to be met by such Knowing Love.


My just days ago session with 5 meo was one of the most intimate leaps I have ever taken and my first conscious thoughts were of awe for Sylvie and the work she must’ve done to whisper me toward God so gently and assuredly.


I am still sifting pieces. But I am in deep bow for the divine discipline that brought you to such capacity, Sylvie.


I hardly yet know what to “do” with all that has sifted loose for me, but I know that you are also Here for the great integration and that may be what all my practices have been missing.


Giant humbled love to you for your offering when boy did I need it most.


You tread on my favorite grounds of beauty and terror like an Ancient.


I See You."


- Jacqueline



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